Repair Fair 2025FEB-SAT
February 1 @ 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Join us with a broken item at our monthly Repair Fair! You’ll be paired with a Fixer and work together to learn troubleshooting and repair skills.
The event is free but guests should sign up for a slot if possible; either 11am-12pm or 12-1pm.
We open the signups 1 week prior to the event. You can SIGN UP FOR A SLOT HERE during that 1 week window. Also, an email with the sign-up link will be sent to everyone on our event notification list one week prior. We have limited slots each month, so sign up as soon as the window opens!
If all slots are full check back the day-of and day-before the event; we often get cancellations at the last minute! Check our calendar for the latest Repair Fair schedule. In general, we have events on the 2nd Thursday of each month.